kitcad3d is...
technically different
a small, nimble company. we saw the need for manufacturing that is reactive, highly adaptable, & resilient. leverage our international experience & focus on excellence.
kitCAD3d's technical difference stems from our curiosity & persistent drive towards excellent technical skills. contemporary machines are made user-friendly, but their full potential cannot be achieved without attention to technique.
we have experienced despair - feeling at a dead end, having no alternatives to replace spare part & in having product modification - both in commercial and personal context. therefore we created kitCAD to empower businesses & people so that they may have greater control over their lives.
a little bit more on our disappointing experience, we wanted to fabricate an awesome engine that comprises many nested components. several parts had to be cnc machined. alas, we knocked on many doors and were repeatedly either turned away (with 5,000 pieces minimum quantity) or ghosted. so yes, we know despair.
a believer in #StrengthInCommunity. we would love to get to know fellow industry players for networking and collaboration.
we are serious about privacy. your information shall remain yours only.
you can count on us being transparent. we'll tell you outright if we aren't the best fit for your project. this way, you don't carry false hopes nor waste time.
we take such great pride in our work and brand, and we strive to deliver quality products and services.
designs presented are our own except otherwise stated. where applicable, due attributions are made to relevant parties. kitCAD3d rejects plagiarism. needless to say, 3d scan models reflect 3rd party designs.
we value our relationship with you and have no interest whatsoever in hit-and-run shenanigans. simply put, we are in it for the long term.
a constructive environment can only exist in the presence of mutual respect. since we love our work and value relationships so much, we do not welcome toxicity in any form. that said, we do love constructive criticism.
whatsapp: 081310832927
youtube: kitCAD3d
ig: @kitCAD3d
interactive 3d model: kitCAD3d
alamat Glodok: jl. kemurnian utara no 4. glodok, taman sari. Jakarta barat, 11120
alamat PIK (by appointment only): sentra industri terpadu tahap 1&2, blok d1, no 2.
Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta utara 14470
email: [email protected]