a wide range of
professional services
pick and choose from our wide range of professional services below. hand us your 3D custom fabrication nitty gritty so that you can focus on the big picture. lean on our expertise and professional services.
even if you are not sure where and how to start realizing your project, we can help you define and complete your project.
cost and time efficiency
you may simply need a 3D scan, or a full-stack development. regardless of the scale, we'd be glad to help you all the same.
many conventional manufacturing methods require forbidding starting costs. take die manufacturing for example, whose cost would hardly make sense for small-scale production.
we can help you significantly accelerate your project and keep costs sensible at the same time. 3D printed parts are charged by weight, meaning you simply pay for what you print. the physical printing itself takes an hour or more depending on the object size.
no drama
over minimum quantity
we know that helpless feeling when every door you knock on wants you to order 1,000 pieces when all you need is 1. we certainly don't expect you to turn the 999 unused pieces into wall decoration.
luckily, not every manufacturing method works in a large scale. and large scale manufacturing doesn't always trump cost-wise. 3D printing is definitely one of the alternatives that can work in your favour. print 1 piece or a hundred, no problem. the best part is, we can help you find the best solution available.
ultimately, cost efficiency takes into account not only unit cost - utilization cost matters all the same. what good is a low unit cost when 999 pieces are wasted and only 1 utilized?
computer aided design = precision
no more second-guessing and hoping for the best. we harness technology & knowhow to achieve precision. it's all a question of tolerance.
cad (computer aided design) is where we use cutting-edge hardware and software to deliver precision. for example, 3D model tolerance can be 0.01mm tight, 3D scan tolerance can be 0.01mm. when dealing with machinery, locking mechanism, etc., precision is of utmost important as the needed component is part of an assembly of numerous components that depend on each other to function.
and yes we absolutely use old-school kits too, including the time-tested, indefatigable vernier caliper!